CoSex and Love Addicts Anonymous Connecticut Courage to change the things I can and Wisdom to know the difference

June 19, 2009


Filed under: — brenda @ 1:00 pm

COSLAA meeting format

Suggested meeting format for COSLAA


  • 1st week-a Step meeting in which we read the step of the month.
  • 2nd week-a speaker meeting where the speaker qualifies for 10 minutes and suggests a topic for discussion for that meeting, focussing on a step, tradiion, tool, or slogan and stresses how the program has helped their recovery.
  • 3rd week-a Tradition meeting in which we read the tradition of the month and suggests a topic from that.
  • 4th week-speaker or a shared reading for 10 minutes and suggested topic from that.
  • Take the 7th Tradition-“According to the 7th Tradition, we are self-supporting through our own contributions”
  • READ: “Are there any COSLAA announcements? Please remember that our 6th Tradition states that (we) as a group or program as a whole ought never endorse, finance, or lend the COSLAA name to any related facility or outside enterprise. Thank you.”
  • Secretary’s report.
  • READ: “We have a book for members to sign up in advance to speak at our meeting. If you are interested, see me after the meeting.”
  • ASK: “Could we have a speaker for next week?”
  • Volunteers to clean up?
  • ASK: “Could I have a volunteer to read the Closing Statement?”
  • READ: ” We are a hand holding meeting.” Join hands in a closing circle and do either the Serenity Prayer, or a moment of silence for all those who are out there suffering.


  • “Welcome to CO-Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous. My name is _______. After a moment of silence will all who care to, please join me in the Serenity Prayer.”
  • ASK: ” Could I have a volunteer to read the COSLAA Preamble?”
  • READ: ” The study of the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions is essential to progress in the COSLAA program. Because of their proven power and worth, COSLAA’s 12 suggested Steps and Traditions have been adopted. They represent a way of life appealing to all.”
  • PASS: The 12 Steps and 12 Traditions of COSLAA to be divided among members for reading aloud.
  • Go around the room and introduce ourselves by first name only.
    READ: “If your are new, please let us know so we can welcome you” ( A newcomer medallion may be given with a chosen reading, i.e. “My medallion.”
  • READ: COSLAA ‘s 12 Steps are addressed as one new one each month. The first step is begun in January, the second in February and so forth. Topics for meetings come from the suggested format:


  • A burning desire may precede the step, tradition, etc.
    This is an urgent sharing from a member who is in current crisis. The rotating chair of the meeting may ask if anyone has a burning desire, or the member in need may announce that at the start of the meeting.
  • SPEAKER QUALIFIES for no longer than 10 minutes on a topic, focusing on a Step, Tradition, Tool, or Slogan and stresses how the program has helped their recovery.
  • When speaker is done, ASK for a topic based on what they spoke about during their qualification. Remind the group that the topic is a suggestion only.
  • OPEN SHARING until 10 minutes before the end of the meeting, by show of hands.
  • READ: “Please keep your comments brief so that everyone who wishes may share. Please keep the focus on yourself, COSLAA issues and recovery. Avoid talking about “them.” We must learn to keep the focus on ourselves and our own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors rather than on the sex and love addict. Some talking about our relatives, frienda, and significant others is inevitable, but each person should strive t keep this to the strictest minimum.”


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